Fall 2024


PLEASE NOTE:  The below information is ONLY APPLICABLE to FALL 2024 SEASON 

and it is TENTATIVE until we receive all field permits from the NYC Parks Department.


B6 G7 B9 G10 B12 G13/G14 Playground U5
G6 B8 G9 B11 G12 B19 EPIC
B7 G8 B10 G11 B13/B14 G19


Playground Soccer:  Boys and Girls, 3 and 4 year olds (2020 birth year and January - August 2021)

Division Head (click to Contact) Alan Leverenz  
Field Frederick Douglass Playground Field (Amsterdam/102nd Street)  
Day of Play Saturday mornings  
Ball Size Playground Ball (to be provided to participants)  
On-Field Format Playground Soccer  
Time Slot 60 minutes  

B6: Boys Under 6 (2019 birth year)

Division Head (click to Contact) Danielle Beraldo  
Chief Ref (click to Contact) Looking for a Volunteer!  
Field 71st Street Field in Riverside Park  
Field Size 20x30 yards, Pugg goals  
Day of Play Saturday  
Ball Size Size 3 Ball  
Team Size 6-7 players  
On-Field Format 3 v 3 (no keeper), side-by-side games  
Time Slot 60 minutes for integrated practice and game  
Game Length
35 minute practice followed by 25 minute game with two 10-minute halves
Two substitution breaks in each half
Footwear Sneakers or turf shoes (NO CLEATS)  

G6: Girls, Under 6 (2019 birth year)

Division Head (click to Contact) Leah Schiff and Jessica Kopec   
Chief Ref (click to Contact) Paul Moisselin  
71st Street Field in Riverside Park
Field Size 20x30 yards, Pugg goals  
Day of Play Sunday  
Ball Size Size 3 Ball  
Team Size 6-7 players  
On-Field Format 3 v 3 (no keeper), side-by-side games  
Time Slot 60 minutes for integrated practice and game  
Game Length
35 minute practice followed by 25 minute game with two 10-minute halves
Two substitution breaks in each half
Footwear Sneakers or turf shoes (NO CLEATS)  

B7: Boys, Under 7 (2018 birth year)

Division Head (click to Contact) Holly Greenburg and Vivian Mougios  
Chief Ref (click to Contact) Michelle Gurk  
Field 71st Street Field in Riverside Park  
Field Size 20x30 yards, Pugg goals  
Day of Play Saturday  
Ball Size Size 3 Ball  
Team Size 6-7 players  
On-Field Format 4 v 4 (no keeper)  
Practice 30 minutes pre-game  
Game Length
45 minute game with two 20-minute halves
Two substitution breaks in each half
Footwear Sneakers or turf shoes (NO CLEATS)  

G7: Girls, Under 7 (2018 birth year)

Division Head (click to Contact) Pablo Fernandez-Galiano  
Chief Ref (click to Contact) Rohan Shah  
Field 71st Street Field in Riverside Park  
Field Size 20x30 yards, Pugg goals  
Day of Play Sunday  
Ball Size Size 3 Ball  
Team Size 6-7 players  
On-Field Format 4 v 4 (no keeper)  
Practice 30 minutes pre-game  
Game Length
45 minute game with two 20-minute halves
Two substitution breaks in each half
Footwear Sneakers or turf shoes (NO CLEATS)  

B8: Boys, Under 8 (2017 birth year)

Division Head (click to Contact) Jessica Kopec  
Chief Ref (click to Contact) Looking for a Volunteer!  
Field 74th Street Oval in Riverside Park  
Field Size 20x30 yards, Pugg goals  
Day of Play Saturday  
Ball Size Size 3 Ball  
Team Size 6-7 players  
On-Field Format 4 v 4 (no keeper)  
Practice 30 minutes pre-game  
Game Length
45 minute game with two 20-minute halves
Two substitution breaks in each half
Footwear Sneakers or turf shoes (NO CLEATS)  

G8: Girls, Under 8 (2017 birth year)

Division Head (click to Contact) Tanja Buckner and Allison Kohrs  
Chief Ref (click to Contact) Monika Tess  
Field Central Park North Meadow  
Field Size 20x30 yards, Pugg goals  
Day of Play Sunday  
Ball Size Size 3 Ball  
Team Size 6-7 players  
On-Field Format 4 v 4 (no keeper)  
Practice 30 minutes pre-game  
Game Length
45 minute game with two 20-minute halves
Two substitution breaks in each half
Footwear Sneakers or turf shoes (NO CLEATS)  

B9: Boys, Under 9 (2016 birth year)

Division Head (click to Contact) Jeff Berton  
Chief Ref (click to Contact) Alice Lam  
Field Central Park North Meadow or 101st/Riverside Park  
Field Size 50x30 yards, Build Out Line for goal kicks and for judgment of offside  
Day of Play Saturday  
Ball Size Size 4 Ball  
Team Size 9-10 players  
On-Field Format 7 v 7 including keeper  
Practice 45 minutes pre-game  
Game Length
55 minute game with two 25-minute halves
Two substitution breaks in each half
Footwear Cleats permitted spring only (sneakers or turf shoes in the fall)  

G9: Girls, Under 9 (2016 birth year)

Division Head (click to Contact) Amy Williams  
Chief Ref (click to Contact) Neil Kahrim  
Field Central Park North Meadow  
Field Size 50x30 yards, Build Out Line for goal kicks and for judgment of offside  
Day of Play Sunday  
Ball Size Size 4 Ball  
Team Size 9-10 players  
On-Field Format 7 v 7 including keeper  
Practice 45 minutes pre-game  
Game Length
55 minute game with two 25-minute halves
Two substitution breaks in each half
Footwear Cleats permitted spring only (sneakers or turf shoes in the fall)  

B10: Boys, Under 10 (2015 birth year)

Division Head (click to Contact) David Schiff  
Chief Ref (click to Contact) Rohan Shah  
Field Riverside Park 101st Street Field and Riverside Park 103rd Street Field  
Field Size 50x30 yards, Build Out Line for goal kicks and for judgment of offside  
Day of Play Saturday  
Ball Size Size 4 Ball  
Team Size 9-10 players  
On-Field Format 7 v 7 including keeper  
Practice 45 minutes pre-game  
Game Length
55 minute game with two 25-minute halves
Two substitution breaks in each half
Footwear Cleats permitted  

G10: Girls, Under 10 (2015 birth year)

Division Head (click to Contact) Monica Swinney and Robin Landsberg  
Chief Ref (click to Contact) Cody Zalk  
Field Riverside Park 101st Street Field  
Field Size 50x30 yards, Build Out Line for goal kicks and for judgment of offside  
Day of Play Sunday  
Ball Size Size 4 Ball  
Team Size 9-10 players  
On-Field Format 7 v 7 including keeper  
Practice 45 minutes pre-game  
Game Length
55 minute game with two 25-minute halves
Two substitution breaks in each half
Footwear Cleats permitted  

B11: Boys, Under 11 (2014 birth year)

Division Head (click to Contact) Vilda Mayuga  
Chief Ref (click to Contact) Pierre Diennet  
Field Central Park North Meadow  
Field Size 60x50 yards / 65x50 yards, No Build Out Line   
Day of Play Saturday  
Ball Size Size 4 Ball  
Team Size 11-12 players  
On-Field Format 9 v 9 including keeper  
Practice 45 minutes pre-game  
Game Length
65 minute game with two 30-minute halves
Two substitution breaks in each half
Footwear Cleats permitted spring only (sneakers or turf shoes in the fall)  

G11: Girls, Under 11 (2014 birth year)

Division Head (click to Contact) Tanya Trakht  
Chief Ref (click to Contact) Lucio Verani  
Field Central Park North Meadow  
Field Size 60x50 yards / 65x50 yards, No Build Out Line  
Day of Play Sunday  
Ball Size Size 4 Ball  
Team Size 11-12 players  
On-Field Format 9 v 9 including keeper  
Practice 45 minutes pre-game  
Game Length
65 minute game with two 30-minute halves
Two substitution breaks in each half
Footwear Cleats permitted in spring only (sneakers or turf shoes in the fall)  

B12: Boys, Under 12 (2013 birth year)

Division Head (click to Contact) Eric Halperin  
Chief Ref (click to Contact) Peter Stone  
Field Riverside Park 107th Street Field and Riverside Park 103rd Street Field  
Field Size 65x50 yards  
Day of Play Saturday  
Ball Size Size 4 Ball  
Team Size 11-12 players  
On-Field Format 9 v 9 including keeper  
Practice 45 minutes pre-game  
Game Length
65 minute game with two 30-minute halves
Two substitution breaks in each half
Footwear Cleats permitted  

G12: Girls, Under 12 (2013 birth year)

Division Head (click to Contact) Michelle Lee-Paul and Laura Cutler  
Chief Ref (click to Contact) Looking for a Volunteer!  
Field Riverside Park 103rd Street Field  
Field Size 65x50 yards  
Day of Play Sunday  
Ball Size Size 4 Ball  
Team Size 11-12 players  
On-Field Format 9 v 9 including keeper  
Practice 45 minutes pre-game  
Game Length
65 minute game with two 30-minute halves
Two substitution breaks in each half
Footwear Cleats permitted  

B13/B14: Boys, Under 14 (2012 and 2011 birth years)

Division Head (click to Contact) Jennifer Singh
Chief Ref (click to Contact) Carlo-Edoardo Carlon
Field Central Park North Meadow and Jefferson Field (114th Street & First Avenue)
Field Size Full field
Day of Play Sunday
Ball Size Size 5 Ball
Team Size 14-18 players
On-Field Format 11 v 11 including keeper
Practice 60 minutes pre-game
Game Length
75 minute game with two 35-minute halves
Two substitution breaks in each half



Cleats are NOT permitted in Central Park


G13/G14: Girls, Under 14 (2012 and 2011 birth years)

Division Head (click to Contact) Kate Suvari and Bevan Rosenbloom  
Chief Ref (click to Contact) Maximo Vizcaino  
Field Riverside Park 107th Street Field  
Field Size Full field  
Day of Play Sunday  
Ball Size Size 5 Ball  
Team Size 14-18 players  
On-Field Format 11 v 11 including keeper  
Practice 60 minutes pre-game  
Game Length
75 minute game with two 35-minute halves
Two substitution breaks in each half
Footwear Cleats permitted  

B19: Boys, Under 15 to Under 19 (2010, 2009, 2008, 2007 and 2006 birth years still in HS - no college players)

Division Head (click to Contact) Kerry Dziubek  
Chief Ref (click to Contact) Carlo-Edoardo CarlonNorbert Porlein and John Decatur  
Field Riverside Park 107th Field  
Field Size Full field  
Day of Play Saturday  
Ball Size Size 5 Ball  
Team Size 14-18 Players  
On-Field Format 11 v 11, including the keeper  
Practice 60 minutes pre-game  
Game Length
90 minute game with two 40-minute halves
Monitored substitutions
Footwear Cleats permitted  

G19: Girls, Under 15 to Under 19 (2010, 2009, 2008, 2007 and 2006 birth years still in HS - no college players)

Division Head (click to Contact) Alan Leverenz  
Chief Ref (click to Contact) Hong Chin and Alan Iny  
Field Riverside Park 107th Field  
Field Size Shortened field, goals placed on yellow goal lines, not 'standard' white goal lines.  
Day of Play Sunday  
Ball Size Size 5 Ball  
Team Size 14-18 Players  
On-Field Format 11 v 11, including the keeper  
Practice 60 minutes pre-game  
Game Length
85 minute game with two 40-minute halves
Monitored substitutions


Cleats permitted

EPIC: Boys & Girls with Special Needs (all ages)


Division Head (click to Contact) Jim Karpe and Joshua Noble
Field Booker T. Washington field 
Field Size Varies depending on age
Day of Play Sunday
Ball Size Size 4 Ball
Team Size Varies depending on age
On-Field Format Varies depending on age
Practice Varies depending on age
Game Length Varies depending on age
Footwear Sneakers or Turf shoes (no Cleats)